Products Bubble

FARAM 1957 S.P.A


Interior Specialties

Bubble is privacy to individual measure. A space with innovative lines that accommodates the individual and its needs. A slim and versatile privacy room that lives in the continuity of the environment by isolating the person. A contemporary object, functional and customizable. Designed for an evolved, cosmopolitan and refined market. From privacy to individual measure to collective privacy. For private meetings and talks, Bubble Meet is born, a concept that has an essential feature: absolute personalization, capable of responding to every expectation. Image, style and status depending on the interlocutor. The spaces are defined by transparent glass panels obtained by mold curvature and supported by aluminum profiles. The supporting structure is metallic to which finishing panels are attached to the outside; internally the elements present are insulating yarn, suitably covered in fabric. The ceiling, acoustically isolated, is also made of metal structure and carries a finishing panel. The element is equipped with a circular Led lamp and a specific aspirator to ensure adequate comfort. The floor is also acoustically insulated and is made of carpeted wooden floor. To ensure even greater isolation and privacy, Bubble inside the glasses can be fitted with a fabric fiber-reinforced mineral fiber mattress. In addition to the LED light and power supply / data groups, Bubble Meet offers, as an alternative to the aspirator, an appropriate conditioner specifically designed for this product.

Note: All the information below was checked with advisor QualityNet support

Credits for LEED® System #11


EAp2 Prestazioni energetiche minime

EAp3 Gestione di base dei fluidi refrigeranti

EAc1 Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni energetiche

MRc2 Gestione dei rifiuti da costruzione

MRc4 Contenuto di riciclato

MRc5 Materiali estratti, lavorati e prodotti a distanza limitata (materiali regionali)

QIp1 Prestazioni minime per la qualità dell'aria

QIc5 Controllo delle fonti chimiche ed inquinanti indoor

QIc6.1 Controllo e gestione degli impianti: illuminazione

QIc6.2 Controllo e gestione degli impianti: comfort termico

QIc8.1 Luce naturale e visione: luce naturale per il 75% degli spazi

QIc8.2 Luce naturale e visione: visuale esterna per il 90% degli spazi

LEED NC 2009

EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAp3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management

EAc1 Optimize Energy Performance

MRc2 Construction Waste Management

MRc4 Recycled Content

MRc5 Regional Materials

IAQp1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

IAQc5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control

IAQc6.1 Controllability of Systems—Lighting

IAQc6.2 Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort

IAQc8.1 Daylight and Views—Daylight

IAQc8.2 Daylight and Views—Views


EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAp3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management

MRc2 Construction Waste Management

MRc4 Recycled Content

MRc5 Regional Materials

IAQp1 Minimum IAQ Performance

IAQc5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control

IAQc6.1 Controllability of Systems—Lighting

IAQc6.2 Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort

IAQc8.1 Daylight and Views—Daylight

IAQc8.2 Daylight and Views—Views for Seated Spaces


EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAp3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management

EAc1 Optimize Energy Performance

MRc2 Construction Waste Management

MRc4 Recycled Content

MRc5 Regional Materials

IAQp1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

IAQp3 Minimum Acoustical Performance

IAQc5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control

IAQc6.1 Controllability of Systems—Lighting

IAQc6.2 Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort

IAQc8.1 Daylight and Views—Daylight

IAQc8.2 Daylight and Views—Views

IAQc9 Enhanced Acoustical Performance


EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAp4 Fundamental Refrigerant Management

MRc3 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials

MRc4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients

MRc5 Construction and Demolition Waste Management

IAQp1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

IAQc5 Thermal Comfort

IAQc6 Interior Lighting

IAQc7 Daylight

IAQc8 Quality Views

IAQc9 Acoustic Performance